Monday, February 4, 2008

Help! Where Am I?

Dear Technology Class,

I am staying at the Hilton on 6th street right across from the conference center, but a terrible thing has happened! I've forgotten what city I'm in!

Please figure out where I am (I have no idea how you're going to do it, but I'm sure you'll find a way) and post a map on your blog showing me how to get from my hotel to the nearby PF Chang's restaurant. I've heard it's delicious, but I need your help.

It's warm here (I'm sitting on the hotel balcony writing this blog challenge while my wife reads on the settee next to me) and I can see a palm tree across the road. People here talk without hurrying and smile a lot, and they seem proud to inhabit the largest of the continental United States.


I'm getting hungry for PF Chang's! And could you post a picture of some of the food I might get there, too? It might be two or three posts on your blog--if you really do it right you might have several maps of the city and some other information for me to read.

Oh, and one more thing: I'm going to have some of the teachers here looking at your webpages with me to see what a fine gang of middle schoolers you are. I'm already proud of your blogs, but you might want to spiff them up a tad to be ready. If your link is missing from my teacher blog, just email me with it. Would it help you find my email if I told you my own blog is online at

Thanks again in advance. Hope you're having as much fun as I am!

Mr. Chase