Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tuesday the 19th SUB PLANS

Hey Guys!

Tomorrow when I come home to see your happy, smiling faces, I'd also like to see what you've done with a BRAND NEW TUMBLR BLOG!

Yes, that's right. I love your Blogger blogs, but I want to have you make something with Tumblr so you can teach me more about it.

Take a favorite sport or hobby (those two choices only, I'm afraid), and create a new Tumblr blog with at least 5 posts. Some pics. Maybe an embedded TeacherTube video. Your ideas, etc.

Take care. See you tomorrow.

~Mr. Chase

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Wow! Thanks for helping me find my way around Austin! As I checked your blogs I see that about 8 of the students in the class found me in Austin, TX. I need everyone (if you weren't one of those who already did this) to post a map of the Austin Hilton and how to get from there to PF Changs.

Did you find out the name of the conference and which sessions I'm teaching Thursday? I'm at a conference of some kind, and I'm teaching somethingorother. Post the info for extra credit when you find it!

I see that many of you have not yet completed a mind-map (see my post from 1/30/08) and posted your work, so that is going to be your next priority. Here is what you need to do:

Using a novel that you have read recently, create a mind map with the TITLE in the center bubble. Out to the side, create new bubbles for SETTING, CHARACTERS, PLOT, and MOOD/ THEME. Beyond those category bubbles, please add bubbles to complete the mind map.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Help! Where Am I?

Dear Technology Class,

I am staying at the Hilton on 6th street right across from the conference center, but a terrible thing has happened! I've forgotten what city I'm in!

Please figure out where I am (I have no idea how you're going to do it, but I'm sure you'll find a way) and post a map on your blog showing me how to get from my hotel to the nearby PF Chang's restaurant. I've heard it's delicious, but I need your help.

It's warm here (I'm sitting on the hotel balcony writing this blog challenge while my wife reads on the settee next to me) and I can see a palm tree across the road. People here talk without hurrying and smile a lot, and they seem proud to inhabit the largest of the continental United States.


I'm getting hungry for PF Chang's! And could you post a picture of some of the food I might get there, too? It might be two or three posts on your blog--if you really do it right you might have several maps of the city and some other information for me to read.

Oh, and one more thing: I'm going to have some of the teachers here looking at your webpages with me to see what a fine gang of middle schoolers you are. I'm already proud of your blogs, but you might want to spiff them up a tad to be ready. If your link is missing from my teacher blog, just email me with it. Would it help you find my email if I told you my own blog is online at http://blog.edtech2020.com?

Thanks again in advance. Hope you're having as much fun as I am!

Mr. Chase